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Giovedì, 25 Ottobre 2012 00:00

Lobbying in Europe - Job Vacancy

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Job Vacancy - COMMUNICATION OFFICER at the EAA/EFTTA office in Brussels - Closing date for applications Monday 26th of November 2012

The European Anglers Alliance (EAA), founded 1994, is a pan-European non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Brussels. EAA represents 14 angling organisations from 11 European countries with approximately 3 million affiliated anglers. EAA dedicates its activities to defending the aquatic environment and the bio-diversity therein, particularly fish. We promote sustainable use of fish resources and defend recreational anglers´ interests and rights at the European level and beyond. Website: - EU Transparency Register identification number: 60105502183-69.

The European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) is the leading European trade association for manufacturers and wholesalers of sport fishing equipment. Membership is open to manufacturers, wholesalers, agents and press in the tackle industry. EFTTA currently has over 250 members. Website: - EU Transparency Register identification number: 08955462188-48.

EAA and EFTTA are working on sea as well as freshwater issues. Presently at the top of our agenda is reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and EU Member States implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), with a particular emphasis on habitat degradation and the fish-damaging impact from hydropower installations, and other man-made obstacles. Other high priorities are water pollution and invasive species. EAA is a member of a number of European level advisory bodies and working groups and attends ad-hoc other relevant meetings and workshops (e.g. some Bern Convention and FAO meetings).

It is EAA and EFTTA policy to generate a greater awareness of the angling community and recreational fishing within the EU institutions. European recreational angling generates a socio-economic value of 20-25 billion Euros per year and supports tens of thousands of jobs, many of them in rural areas.

We seek to recruit a Communications Officer, based in Brussels, to support and enhance this policy. This is a part-time position (approx. 20 hours/week) with an initial 1-year self-employed contract on offer with the option to extend. The salary will be reflective of previous experience. Some travel outside Brussels may be required. The working language of EAA is English.

Primary tasks

The successful candidate will be required to:












In addition the successful candidate will be required to assist in the under-mentioned tasks.

  • Develop a Parliamentary Intergroup on Recreational Fishing and act as the Secretariat for this group. This includes arranging a small number of mini-seminars or other events within, or close to, the European Parliament in Brussels.
    • Create a network of recreational fishing friendly MEP’s to highlight the issues around recreational fishing and the aquatic environment and to partake in the above mentioned Intergroup on Recreational Fishing.
    • Create strategic alliances with other stakeholders.

      Secondary tasks

    • Updating the EAA website
    • Email list management
    • Producing regular newsletters for members and policy-makers
    • The development and implementation of a fundraising strategy
    • Ad hoc duties as required 

      Essential qualifications

    • Experience with Communications/PR
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Experience of effectively dealing with policy-makers
    • Experience of managing internal communications
    • Proven ability to manage several projects concurrently
    • Display excellent time management & organisational skills
    • Strong team player and lateral thinker, self-starter, comfortably working virtually, collaboratively and independently


    • A strong interest in the protection of the aquatic environment
    • Knowledge of and interest in recreational fishing Fluency in English and preferable one or more European languages 

      Those interested in this position should email a cover letter and current CV to:

      EAA, European Anglers Alliance
      "Communications Officer"
      Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

      Closing date for receipt of applications: Monday 26th of November 2012.
      Interviews: Primo December.
      Job start: 2nd of January 2013

      Download the PDF file

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