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Giovedì, 21 Febbraio 2019 14:07

Western Mediterranean MAP e pesca ricreativa

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(1 Vota)

La Commissione Pesca della UE ha adottato l’accordo preliminare che stabilisce un piano pluriennale per la pesca che sfrutta le risorse ittiche demersali nel Mediterraneo occidentale. 
E’ molto positivo che molti degli emendamenti discriminatori proposti ed adottati dal Parlamento per la pesca ricreativa siano stati cancellati dai co-legislatori.

Ancora più positivamente l’articolo 7 è stato completamente riformulato sulla base del testo concordato per il piano di gestione pluriennale per le acque occidentali e perciò è stato deciso che il Consiglio debba prendere in considerazione criteri ambientali sociali ed economici quando stabilisce limiti alla pesca ricreativa.

Agli Stati Membri è anche richiesto di raccogliere dati sulla pesca ricreativa dove appropriato.

Il contenuto dell'accordo rappresenta una svolta introducendo nelle politiche della pesca dell'UE  i valori propri della pesca ricreativa.

Per la prima volta gli organismi politici dell'Unione si pronunciano sulla pesca ricreativa non in relazione a quella professionale ma indicandone specificità e valori, l'economia collegata e la partecipazione sociale.

Un risultato al quale si è giunti grazie ad un lungo lavoro svolto negli anni in seno al Consiglio Consultivo del Mediterraneo MEDAC con il contributo fondamentale dato da APR in rappresentanza della European Anglers Alliance.

Riportiamo qui sotto un raffronto tra le parti rilevanti adottate dal Parlamento (testo completo) e quelle dell''accordo preliminare (testo completo

Text adopted by the Parliament : 

Text agreed by the co-legislators: 

Recital (15)
As recreational fisheries can have a significant impact on fish resources, the multiannual plan should provide a framework to ensure that they are conducted in a manner compatible with the objectives of that plan. Member States should collect catch data of recreational fisheries. Where such fisheries have a significant impact on those resources, the plan should provide for the possibility to decide on specific management measures which do not harm the professional fisheries sector.
Recital (15) 
Given their importance, the plan provided for in this Regulation should cover Where mortality caused by recreational fishingeries catching western Mediterranean demersal stocks. Where such fisheries havehas a significant impact on a stocksreferred to in Article 1(2), the Council should be able to set non-discriminatory limits for recreational fishermen. The Council should refer to transparent and objective criteria when setting such limits. Where appropriate, Member States should take the necessary and proportionate measures for the monitoring and collection of data for a reliable estimation of actual recreational catch levels. Furthermore, it should be possible to adopt technical conservation measures in respect of recreational fisheries, the multi-annual plan provided for by this Regulation should provide for the possibility of specific management measures.
 Recital (25) 
Where scientific advice shows that recreational fisheries have a significant impact on the fishing mortality of the stocks concerned, the Council should take them into account. To that effect, the Council will set fishing opportunities through the effort regime for commercial catches which takes into account the volume of recreational catches in order not to jeopardise commercial/professional fisheries and/or to adopt other measures restricting recreational fisheries, keeping in mind that such measures should never be to the detriment of professional fishing activities.
 Article 7 
6. Where the best available scientific advice shows that recreational fisheries have a significant impact on the fishing mortality of a particular stock, the Council shall limit recreational fisheries when setting fishing effort in order to avoid exceeding the total target of fishing mortality, without reducing the fishing opportunities of professional fishers. Member States may include recreational fisheries in specific national management plans to ensure effective data collection, monitoring and control of certain fisheries.

 Article 7 
6.  Where the scientific advice shows that recreational fisheries have a significant impact
on the fishing mortality of a particular stock, the Council may limit recreational
fisheries when setting fishing opportunities in order to avoid exceeding the total
target of fishing mortality.

Article 7a (new)

Recreational fisheries 

1. When scientific advice indicates that recreational fishing is having a significant impact on the fishing mortality of a stock referred to in Article 1(2), the Council may set non-discriminatory limits for recreational fishermen. 
2. When setting the limits referred to in paragraph 1, the Council shall refer to transparent and objective criteria, including those of an environmental, social and economic nature. The criteria used may include, in particular, the impact of recreational fishing on the environment, the societal importance of that activity and its contribution to the economy in coastal areas. 
3. Where appropriate, Member States shall take the necessary and proportionate measures for the monitoring and collection of data for a reliable estimation of the actual recreational catch levels.

   Article 13
Specific conservation measures
1. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 18 of this Regulation and Article 18 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 supplementing this Regulation by establishing the following technical conservation measures:
(a) specifications of characteristics of fishing gears and rules governing their use, to ensure or improve selectivity, to reduce unwanted catches or to minimise the negative impact on the ecosystem;
(b) specifications of modifications or additional devices to the fishing gears, to ensure or improve selectivity, to reduce unwanted catches or to minimise the negative impact on the ecosystem;
(c) limitations or prohibitions on the use of certain fishing gears and on fishing activities, in certain areas or periods to protect spawning fish, fish below the minimum conservation reference size or non-target fish species, or to minimise the negative impact on the ecosystem;
(d) the fixing of minimum conservation reference sizes for any of the stocks to which this Regulation applies, to ensure the protection of juveniles of marine organisms; and
(e) on recreational fisheries.
Amendment 77
7a.  Member States shall ensure effective data collection enabling the impact of recreational fisheries on the stocks covered by this Plan to be assessed.
Deleted (data collection has been included in Art.7)
Letto 21167 volte

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